Núcleo de Pesquisa em Direitos Humanos e Saúde da População LGBT+
Our research group (NUDHES) was created in 2014, based on the experience with the LGBT community of researchers, healthcare providers and social assistance workers.
We are all committed to produce knowledge that helps to identify social, cultural and individual determinants that makes the LGBT population more vulnerable.
It is known that, in contexts of extreme social inequality faced in Brazil and other countries around the world, the LGBT community is specially affected, adding stigma and discrimination to social and economic inequalities.
Health consequences of this scenario are several, causing poor mental health outcomes, high sexually transmitted infection risk and victimization by a large spectrum of violence that may lead to death.
We work so our researches and interventions harvest information for policy making, but also create tools for activism and aid transformation of LGBT people’s health and life conditions, striving for a life in which diversity and human rights are honored.

Professora Dra. Maria Amélia Veras
Doutorado em Medicina pela Universidade de São Paulo
Mestrado em Saúde Pública pela Univ. California, Berkeley
Mestrado em Medicina pela Universidade de São Paulo
Graduação em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco